Acoustic Guitar Class

Home >> Course >> Acoustic Guitar

Class Day

Twice a week

Years Old

Anyone above 5 years

Class Duration

45 Mins


Team Sursadhana

Course Overview :

Welcome to Trinity College London’s Acoustic Guitar syllabus containing details of graded exams from Initial to Grade 8. It offers the choice and flexibility to allow guitarists to play to their strengths, wide-ranging contemporary pieces and fingerstyle, plectrum, backing and duet options, as well as structured and relevant technical work. These elements are designed to progressively develop the skills and techniques guitarists really need from the early grades right the way through to Grade 8.


This syllabus bridges the gap between classical and electric guitar, incorporating folk, acoustic, rock and pop, jazz, blues and country styles. It reinvents the popular Plectrum Guitar exams and ensures relevance to contemporary guitarists by giving teachers and learners the flexibility to develop both fingerstyle and plectrum playing. All pieces are available in both standard and TAB notation so are accessible for any learner.


The technical work is relevant to a whole range of popular music styles as it includes chord patterns and progressions, jazz scales, blues scales and modes in addition to the standard scales and arpeggios. Many of the pieces, particularly at the lower grades, can be played either with fingers or plectrum to suit learner preference.

Books and backing tracks

Backing tracks recorded by professional session players allow guitarists to learn crucial ensemble skills by practising as part of a band. There are three books available — for Initial to Grade 2, Grades 3–5 and Grades 6–8 — which contain a wide range of styles, allowing candidates to follow distinct stylistic pathways as they progress.


Developed by professional guitarists, our online support resources show you what an exam is like, explore professional technique and look at where our exams can take you. Access them at